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Mr Roland HassinkLinkedin Roland Hassink
Area Sales Manager

With more than 25 years of work experience in the egg industry, it is still the best industry to work in, according to Roland. From a service background, always customer-driven and looking for the best fit for every customer, knowledge combined with common sense and a smile is key for him. Automation involves more than just delivering a standard solution, thinking along with customers and being able to jointly optimize visible and invisible processes is a challenge that Roland is happy to take on a daily base.

n + 31 6 29 62 04 28
m Roland speaks FrenchRoland speaks DutchRoland speaks German

Mr Khenddro LowLinkedin Andrés Fernández
Area Sales Manager| Asia

Born and raised in Malaysia, Khenddro has decades of experience in sales and marketing management. He started off his career in the retailing sector before moving into the livestock industry. Since then, he had been actively servicing customers in the Asia region for the past 10 years.
With all his years of sales and management experience, Khenddro speaks and understand the language of our customers.

n + 60 19 900 5011
m Khenddro speaks English 

Mr Lonny Watson
Sales Manager| North America

Lonny Watson is an asset to our team with his strong background in the poultry industry.

Since his childhood, he has been familiar with the market.

Thanks to his years of sales experience, which he combines with his knowledge and skills, he speaks and understands the language of our customers.


n + 1 (256) 770 58 41
m Lonny speaks americanLonny speaks Canadian





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